Bank Mizrahi Tefahot decided to promote a flagship community project for people with special needs. The project, “Added Value” consisted of preparing a catalogue, first of its kind, compiling information and describing products made by people with special needs in various organizations and associations. The products are made as a means for sustaining the organization and as a means for imparting life skills upon these populations. The “Added Value” catalogue is derived of a collaborative venture between two leading business entities in Israel – Bank Mizrahi Tefahot and Dapei Zahav. Using the catalogue, the public and, mainly, business organization decision makers, can purchase products from the catalogue toward the holidays and through the year. The catalogue thus comprises an important marketing channel for thousands of organizations and associations nationwide. The catalogue was followed by a website and then a store opened at Dizengoff Center. Good Vision helped Bank Mizrahi Tefahot formulate the idea for the project and execute.
Evaluation of Employment Terms according to Standard SA8000
More and more suppliers and retailers are taking responsibility for their workers’ employment terms. The