Underlying the program is Adama’s aim to encourage the future generation toward excellence through agriculture, by investing in learning and educational infrastructures. The program is based on the establishment of scientific study incubators at agricultural and environmental science centers in cities where Adama is active (including Be’er Sheva, Ashdod and Lod), equipping the city’s students with scientific and technological research skills. The company has entered into a joint venture with the local authority, agricultural farm and Ministry of Education in each city, aiming to transform the farms into centers of excellence, of advanced farming knowledge and research and study labs suited to the needs of the 21st century. The program followed the following stages: Establishing a scientific incubator used as a lab for nature and agricultural studies, teaching research skills and conducting studies, accompanied by the farm teachers, academic content experts and relevant bodies; establishing an innovative research class adjacent to the scientific incubator; formulating curricula that combine scientific research and problem solving while applying innovative technological means, supported by pedagogical factors and approved by the Ministry of Education; Adama employee volunteering; evaluation and assessment by external professionals in order to promote learning, deductions and constant improvement.
Good Vision helped Adama with program formulation and partner recruitment, execution, evaluation and measurement.

Improving Plas-Fit’s Ecovadis Ratings
We assisted Plaspit with improving their Ecovadis ratings from last year winning a silver medal